Sunday, October 23, 2011

Life is Good


All is going well this week in Älmhult.  This past week when I wrote of my silliness with the shower gel I forgot to tell you we had a nice Saturday outing to Ljunby and did some walking around the town and shopping.  Ljunby is about 60 kilometers from our house.  The problem with shopping on Saturdays, the stores usually close about 2:00 pm, so you have to get an early start.  Some of the larger stores outside of the town centers will sometime stay open until 5:00 or 6:00 on Saturdays, but it is definitely not guaranteed.

The week was relatively quiet until Friday, when I had to go to a spouse coffee in the morning and in the evening I went with a friend to a glass painting party.  The spouse coffee was for all the recently relocated spouses to meet and get to know one another and to learn more about Älmhult.  On Thursday evening when I was picking up David from work, I had the opportunity to make friends with someone else.  She moved here last weekend from Shanghi, where she lived for 6 years.  The great thing is, she is from Australia.  Her husband will be working in the same division as David, so it is nice to have another acquaintance in the same boat as I am.  She also attended the coffee.

When I went to the glass painting party, I met a lady from France who has lived in Älmhult for 11 years now.  The glass painting is very similar to ceramics, you paint on glass and then you have it fired in the oven.  I made a plate, I hope it comes out well and then I plan on adding to it and having it fired again.  However, I did get some great ideas on things to do in the future, so I may be busy with this activity for awhile.

Yesterday, David and I drove to Helsingborg and took the ferry across the sound to Helsingör Denmark and then we had to take the train to Humlebaek.  We went to visit the Louisiana Museum.  The museum is a modern art museum and this weekend was the last weekend for the "Living" exhibit.  Here is the website: and you can read about the artwork on display there.  I was hoping to see an original Andy Warhol of Marilyn Monroe and a Picasso, but they were not on display because of there other special exhibits.  The "Living" exhibit was quite interesting because it explored the megatrends of how people around the world are living.  So many are moving to the cities that they are finding creative ways to get the people places to live as well as green space, it also focused a lot on small space living.  Small space living is one of the concepts that IKEA works with and is a part of.  We learned a lot by the exhibit.

David's division asked me to do a special project to introduce one of the new items, so I am working in putting together, staining and decorating a chest of drawers in the way an American might use it.  I have some great ideas, so I will post pictures of it when I am finished.  The piece will be on display at IKEA of Sweden for several weeks.  Wish me luck that my idea comes out the way that I imagine.

Starting tomorrow, I have a temporary job helping at IKEA, so I will keep you posted on my adventures with that.  We have to see how well David and I manage getting ready to go at the same time in our smaller bathroom with only one sink, unlike our bathroom in Houston, where we each had our own space. :)

Hope you all had a great weekend and I will talk with you soon!


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