Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Happy October 5th!  Today is my 26th wedding anniversary!  I can't believe that time goes so fast.

Anyhow, things are going smoothly here in Sweden.  Finally, something went easy for us.  We went on Friday afternoon to buy a car.  We had an idea of what kind of car we wanted because I had done some research on the Internet and found a couple of good cars at reasonably good prices.  The dealership is located about an hour away from our house.  When we got there, we found a salesman, no they do not assault you at the door, like they do in the U.S. We explained what cars in particular we were looking for, we found the ones that were advertised on the Internet and checked them out along with a couple of others.  We decided on the gray Ford Focus Kombi from 2008.  Took it for a test drive and then decided that yes, we wanted to buy it.  You will not believe that we were in and out of the dealership in less than ONE HOUR!  They use your person nummer and the information comes up on the computer.  We had a one page contract and were told we could come back on Monday or Tuesday with a check to pick up the car. (The check has to come directly from the bank, we do not have checking accounts here like we have in the U.S.)  Wow!  I could not believe that we did not have to spend the whole day at the dealership, negotiating and stressing over the price and all that usually has to be discussed.

Well, we came back on Tuesday, gave the check to the salesman he gave us a receipt and the car in less than 15 minutes, included in that time was the time he took to show us how a few things on the car worked.  So one hour and 15 minutes to buy a car - absolutely unheard of!

Otherwise, things are getting settled here.  On Sunday we took some time and went on a 6-mile bike ride around Almhult and shared a pizza at the restaurant located at the train station.  We are trying to enjoy the fall temperatures and sunshine before the weather changes.

I took some more pictures of Amhult to share with you.

Below is a picture of a map of Almhut and Almhult's Kommun.  Near all the towns, they have these type of maps located about 1 - 2 kilometers outside of the town.  They are located so you can drive your car up to them and see where you need to go.  This picture was taken at the train station/bus terminal.

Also located at the train station was this very old steam engine.

Here are some pictures of the other church located in Almhult.  This is the Mission Church and was built in 1894.  This church does have a cross located on its steeple.  I like how colorful the church is.

I thought you would also like to see the building that David works at.  The building is only 3 stories tall, but you would not believe how many people actually work in the building.  I also took a picture of the giant allen wrench located at the front of the building.  The allen wrench is really one of the symbols that relates to IKEA.

Hopefully, I will have more to post soon.  I will try and find some more interesting things to take pictures of for you.

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