Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Yes, I am Human


Yes, I am human and here is a funny story.  Buying items in Sweden can be difficult, especially if you do not read Swedish.  Yes, I can figure out butter, milk, and basic stuff.  The funny story comes in when a couple of weeks ago I was anticipating the fact that I needed to buy some new lotion.  David and I were at the store after a day of shopping and his patience for shopping tends to wear out towards the end of the day.  He wanted me to hurry up and I grapped the first thing that looked good.  We went about our shopping.

Last week, I finished my lotion and opened my new bottle.  I went to put it on and thought it was kind of strange that it was more liquidy than normal, but after all, this is Sweden and things are different.  Well, as I continued to rub it in, it turned white and disappeared into my skin.  Not thinking much about it, I thought that it was okay.  So I do this for a couple of days and when David got back from Poland, I told him about this lotion and the way it was behaving.  He looks at the bottle and tells me that I have been putting shower gel on all week!  Yes, I felt completely stupid and immediately rinsed off in the shower again.  The bottle was labeled "duschcreme".  Me, not speaking Swedish found out that dusch means shower.  Okay, so then next time I go to the store, I look for lotion again.  David looks at the bottle and confirms that it is indeed lotion.  However, we could not figure out why this lotion seemed much less expensive than some other lotion in another aisle.  We decide that it is lotion and buy it.  The next day, I go to put it on and guess what - it is shower gel again!  This time the bottle was labeled another way.   Apparently, they have several ways to label shower gel.  I guess this is another learning experience.  You have to understand that the way they lay out the stores here can be confusing and frustrating and obviously it is difficult to find exactly what you need.  I will learn and hopefully I will be able to find a bottle of lotion soon!

Another frustrating update - I have told you about how we cannot have items shipped from the U.S. due to the excessive custom and duties charged by Sweden.  Well, we did find out that we can order items from and not have to pay the excess.  David ordered a book and it came without any problems.  Cool!  However, now we were trying to order a pair of boots for Dave and a cat feeder for when we go away.  Well, we have found out that many of the sellers through Amazon do not ship to Sweden.  We are back where we started, frustrated that we cannot seem to get some of the basic things we need.

Anyhow, life is treating us well and we have settled down.  We are getting into a routine and are starting to enjoy life a little better.  We do now have internet in our house and a wireless connection, so things are better!

Hopefully, I will have some more interesting things to tell you about soon.

Enjoy your day!


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