Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Yes, I Survived and Passed Swedish Culture Course!


No, I have not forgotten about all of you, just have been busy with my temporary job at IKEA.  The job is interesting in the fact that I am not sitting at a desk, looking at a computer all day.  Along with another girl, Hanna, we are responsible for ironing and dressing all the beds for the Bedroom and Bathroom Division showcase area.  This is not an easy task, we have to make the beds look beautiful, with no wrinkles, and tight enough to bounce a kroner off of!  I am enjoying the physical labor and the reward at the end to see all the beds so nicely made up.  Hanna is 18 and grew up here in Älmhult.  We share culture about the U.S. and Sweden.  Getting to know her has been a blessing.  I feel comfortable enough with her to ask questions about Swedish words, traditions, etc. and she can ask me questions about American traditions.  We are a great team!

David and I attended A Swedish Culture Course today from 9-3.  The class explained about the history of the Sweden and the Swedish people.  The instructor also helped to explain about why the Swedes behave the way they do.  Sometimes we find it very strange and frustrating.  I will go into more details when I write again.  I want to be able to tell you all what I learned today.

Also, on Sunday, David and I drove to Växjö to do some shopping.  On our way there we took a wrong turn or more accurately, we forgot to make a turn.  Well, we ended up driving through this beautiful nature preserve, which also had the ruins of a castle.  The cool thing about it was it was very foggy and the nature preserve was rich in a deep red color from the leaves of the trees. The scenery was absolutely breathtaking! Wouldn't you know, neither of us had our camera, so I was unable to take any pictures.  David and I plan to go back to explore and take pictures.

Otherwise, we are doing well.  David is off to Zurich tomorrow for one day.  I promise to write again soon and give you more information on Sweden and the culture.  You will find it very interesting and I cannot wait to share it with you.

Take care,


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