Monday, September 5, 2011

The Swedish House

Hi Again - I promised that I would write about the house, so here it is!

The house was built in 2005, just like the house we had in Houston.  However, this house has not had the tender loving care that the house in Houston has had.  We, of course, will change that history.  We have already made several improvements.

The Swedish house is built on one level, has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a great room, a laundry room and a kitchen. Recently the owner added a loft, which houses an extra bed.  However, the stairs are very cool, but also scary for me to go up and down.  Since I am left handed, my step is opposite of the way the stairs are laid out.  They are skinny and wide on opposite sides going up, so you have to make sure you step on the wide part.  I tend to want to step on the skinny side and almost kill myself everytime.  Perhaps I will learn.  We have a one car garage and a shed.  However, the square footage is probably only one floor of the house in Houston. I guess it is about 1000 square feet. It is quite large enough for the two of us.  The house has a bit of a nautical theme on the outside and in the kitchen.  The front and side doors have port hole windows along with other nautical ideas in the kitchen and the outside.  One of the great things about the house is all the windows! 

I am posting the pictures I made last week, but we are in the process of changing the decor in the living room to make it much softer and we purchased a new bed for our bedroom over the weekend.  I will post new pictures when we finish.

Here are the pictures:

This is the great room:

Here are pictures of the outside looking at the backyard:

This is the kitchen:

This is the entry way.  We don't have a coat closet, everthing is kept in this area, coats, shoes and outdoor wear.  Sorry, the picture is a bit on the dark side.

Here are some pictures of the bathrooms.  One is large with a nice deep tub and the other is small with a shower:

Smaller Bath

Larger Bath

So this is a start.  I will put more pictures up when I finish with the decorating updates.

All is going well for us in Sweden. We would like to have a weekend to do something fun, rather than shopping all weekend!  This past Saturday we attended a 40th birthday party for one of David's co-workers and it was fun and interesting.  One of the cool things about living in Almhult is the idea that we can ride our bikes all over town and don't have to worry about driving to work, the doctor, the pharmacy.  Since we are just starting out, we have not figured out how to do the grocery store without driving.  Fortunately, we have the use of a rental car for a month to help us get settled and to be able to pick up the larger items that we need. 

I will write more later this week!

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