Wednesday, August 31, 2011

10th Day in Sweden

Hej (Hello in Swedish, pronounced "Hey"),

I know I promised you to talk more about the house, I have not been able to take pictures because of the rain.  Hopefully, today I can get some pictures taken and post them with my next blog.

We spent Saturday going to Vaxjo to shop for bicycles and electronics.  We were actually quite successful.  We bought 2 bikes, a toaster, an iron, an IPOD docking station and a teapot!  On Sunday, it was back to IKEA to buy a dresser and slats for our bed.  We were quite fortunate to have use of a car for the weekend, which allowed us to go further than Almhult to do some shopping and to get items too big to walk home with.

I have been spending my time making nice dinners, which sometimes was hard in Houston because of it always being hot and not wanting to eat heavy meals.  I made a wonderful stew yesterday, something that we maybe had once while we lived in Houston.  It is amazing how fresh the food tastes here.  The vegetables did not get mushy and had so much flavor!

The other times during the week, I spent putting together the slats for our bed and our new dresser.  As many of you know, David works for IKEA, so it is convenient for us to buy IKEA furniture.  Luckily, I love to put together the furniture!  If IKEA would pay me to put together the furniture, I would take the job.  It gives you such a sense of accomplishment!  I don't know if is because you have to refer to the pictures and diagrams without any written directions or just because I just like to build things!

Here are a couple of pictures of what I built:

This is called "Sultan Lonevag" they are slats for the beds, we don't have box springs here. Actually this made our bed feel much better!


On Tuesday, I spent my time building a "Hemnes" dresser.

Here are some pictures:

This is Tess checking it out!

Finished Product!

 In my down time, I have been watching old American television shows with Swedish subtitles, so I can start to pick up what the words are.  I am much better reading languages than speaking!  My kids will attest to that!

Tiqui and Tess are settling in after their experiences.  They seemed to have developed more of a bond, yesterday morning, this is what I found:

Well, I guess that is all for today, I have to get to work so I can get the place cleaned up so I can take pictures to share with all of you!

Hope your day is filled with a lot of sunshine!

Hej Da (Goodbye in Swedish, pronounced "Hey Dough")

1 comment:

  1. You should be a pro at assembling Hemnes dressers by now! You'd think we really have a thing for them. Glad you've been able to cook more. Maybe you can master the art of Swedish cooking. :)
