Monday, September 26, 2011

Promised Photos!!!


Here are the promised photos.  I have also included a couple of cool pictures of a mushroom I found in my yard.  At first I thought it was an apple, but it was a red mushroom!

These were taken on Friday morning.  The next two were taken on Saturday morning.  See how much it changed overnight!

I took David to the train station yesterday afternoon, so I had a chance to take pictures of the Almhult train station and main street.

Train Station

Fountain and plaza across the street from the train station.

The three pictures below show Almhult's main street. The main street is called: Norra Esplanaden.

These two pictures show a couple of the side streets near the train station. Now, remember, Almhult is not that big and it is only two blocks from the train station to the main street.

One of Almhult's churches (kyrka).
The church was built in 1929.

This is the rooster on top of the church steeple!

Last, but not least, here are a couple of pictures of the front of my house and the neighborhood in which we are living.

This is the side yard and back deck.
The front of the house.  You can see the front door and part of the gararge.

Our house is located on the left at the end. You can just see our roof next to the gray house.

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