Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy Mondag (Monday in Swedish)

We have now been in Sweden for officially three weeks now. 

Thursday after work, David met me at IKEA and we bought the most of the last things we needed to get settled.  David took Friday off and we spent the day re-organizing and setting up some of the other rooms in the house.  We built a desk for the office/extra guest room, bought a new lawn mower blade and re-arranged other furniture in the house to make it work for us.  Oh yeah, Tiqui only went in the attic once.  She likes to sneak in when the door opens and then she is faster than a greased pig!

Anyhow, here are some pictures showing my redecorating of the family room.  Originally it was done in red and black.  I have now changed the colors to rose and taupe with purple accents (Still working on getting some of the accent pieces).  It softens up the room and makes it feel more welcoming.  The people we are renting from had a light that was not very functional for the room along with a beautiful table that did not work with the sofa.  So we changed the rugs, the light and the table.  I think you will like the new look.

The light is beautiful at night.  It looks like a giant dandelion and makes awesome shadows on the walls.

I moved the large red rug to the kitchen and it makes the kitchen feel much warmer and less institional.  What do you think?

On Saturday we decided to take a break from all the work and drive to Helsingborg for a few hours.  Helsingborg is about an hour away from here and is located on the west coast of Sweden, right on the water!  We were able to buy a new television while we were there.  After completing that task, we went to the city center and did some shopping.  We had lunch at a nice German bakery, bought some pastries for Sunday and Monday breakfast and even had an ice cream cone on the street!  Here are a couple of pictures of Helsingborg.

I will go again and learn more of the history to share with you another time.  The second picture is showing the outside of a fortress and you can see the castle behind it.  I want to spend more time there learning about the history of it.

On Saturday night we were invited to one of David's co-workers houses to partake in a Romanian meal.  It was a night filled with lots of food, about 4 hours worth.  Carmen did a great job and I was thoroughly impressed with everything.  She had enough food to feed a small army!

Sunday was a day of more getting things straightened and we were finally able to put our new bed together, so this is my room now.  I like it much better and it seems more put together and more David and I.

That's all for now.  I am off to finish making dinner for our guest from Texas tonight.  I will be back soon with more thoughts about Sweden!

1 comment:

  1. I really like your new take on the living room! Young House Love has that light in their bedroom. I think it's the coolest thing, but never have had a place to use it.

    Helsingborg looks like a great town, note it for when I visit!
