Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Sun Has Finally Come Through!


After so many weeks of dreay, rainy, cloudy, windy weather on Sunday the sun came out!  It still has been a bit windy, but when there is warmth it is much nicer.  What a difference it makes with everything!

The sun is now coming up at 4:30 in the morning, but it gets lighter before that.  The sun is now setting at 9:30 in the evening.  This makes for some really long days, which make up for the short days of winter.

Allison had her baby on Sunday, it was a boy!  We are very happy for her and Shane!

On Saturday, David and I took a train ride to Lund.  We had a very nice day of shopping, sight-seeing and lunch at O'Leary's.  With all the time David had spent here on prior to us moving here, he had never been to Lund.  Lund is a university town, so there is much activity, lots of bicycles and places to go.

We found a wonderful old Cathedral called Lunds Domkyrka.  They started building the Cathedral in 1080 and it was finally consecrated in 1145.  The whole thing is quite beautiful and very well kept.  I believe that the Danes started building it, but this is the area that has switched between Danish and Swedish rule several times over the years.  When I got home, I was telling my friend that we had gone to Lund and saw the Cathedral and she told me that she actually was married there.  She said they chose that spot because she went to University in Lund and she is Swedish, while her husband is Danish and so they thought it would be a great place to marry because of the history between the countries.

I almost forgot, there is a huge astronomical clock in the Cathedral as well.  The clock still plays everyday at 1:00 and 3:00.  Click for a virtual tour of the Cathedral and see the clock.

We plan to go back to Lund and do more exploring and sight-seeing.  We were technically on our way to see an outdoor museum on the history of the area and Sweden, but the weather was not conducive for being outdoors, like usual it rained!

Take care and have a happy day!


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