Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pizza Salad

Happy Thursday,

When I came to visit Älmhult last June, we went to a local restaurant called Sorellos.  They served, on each table family style, this "salad" concoction that to me looked like sauerkraut.  Well, I tasted it and yes it was made out of cabbage and had vinegar on it. but it was crunchy and not soft and limp like sauerkraut.  I did not think much about it and just thought it was something that was served at this restaurant.

When I came back in August, we had lunch at another local restaurant, Jacobs, and come to find out they have individual servings of it in the refrigerated case where you get your drinks.  I was a bit amazed by this because I grew up in an Italian family where we have garden salads all the time, even with our pizza.  I was wondering how come I could not get just a regular salad.  By the way, this salad is always included with your meal, so you do not pay any extra for it.  I do not know the exact name of this "salad", so I am no help there.

So one day, I was at the grocery store and guess what I found in the refrigerated case - "Pizza Sallad".  Here is a picture of the "salad" in the package and out of the package.

Honestly, it does not taste bad, it is pretty good and it does add some crunch to your meal.  This is just one of the different things that I have found in Sweden.

I am still on the lookout for some new things to share with you.


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