Friday, May 18, 2012

Still Here

Dear Friends,

I apologize for not writing in the last month.  We had visitors from the States.  My Mom and Dad came for 5 days and we took them to Copenhagen for a couple of days to meet my brother and they went on to London for 6 more days.  It was certainly nice to see them and to spend time with them.  We did enjoy taking them to see some of the things that we have found in Sweden.

On Sunday, we will have been in Sweden for 9 months now.  Sometimes it feels like the time has gone quickly and other times it feels like it has been a reallllllly long time.  Since my parents have left and my temporary contract ended, I have had a hard time.  The days are very long and David is busy with his job.  Also, since I live in the middle of the forest, there is not much to do.  Last week, I made an effort to get out and go into town.  Well, let's just say, that I was able to visit 4 clothing stores and the grocery store and I was home in less than an hour.  In Houston, that would at least take up the morning and then some.

I have been trying to keep busy by knitting and I have made three tote bags (one for me and two for gifts).  However, right now it is hard because my daughter is due to have a baby on the 23rd of May, which is next week and my niece had her baby early.  I wish I could be there to be of help to them, rather than sitting at home knitting and watching Mad Men.  I have finished the first two seasons and will start season 3 soon.  I am amazed that I have the time to watch and catch up with many of the shows I was not able to watch due to lack of time in the States.

We did go to the movies 2 weeks ago to see A Royal Affair.  Unfortunately, the movie was in Danish and then had Swedish subtitles.  We did not stay.  Luckily, we are able to save our stubs and we will go see The Dictator tonight.  No, the movies are nothing alike, but our choices are very limited here.

David is off to Germany next week.  So, next week will be quite long.  I did make plans with my Swedish teacher to spend the day with her on Tuesday in Växjö.  I am looking forward to seeing where she lives and meeting her new puppy.

The weather has not been so good lately.  Lots of rain and cloudiness.  Yesterday, the 17th was a holiday in Sweden (Ascension Day).  Everyone was off of work, but the weather was not good.  The sun would come out and 5 minutes later it would be raining.  This repeated itself the whole day.  Fortunately, we did get out for a quick walk in the evening, but it started to rain before we could get back home.  Welcome to Älmhult!

We have made plans for the summer.  David has to spend a week in London in June, so I am going to try and go with him for a few days.  We are coming back to the States in the middle of July for 10 days.  We will be going to Colorado to see our son in Vail and go to the drag races with him and my parents.  Then we are going to go to Washington D.C. for 3 days to see Allison and the new baby.  In August, we will head to Stockholm for a week of Intensive Swedish lessons.  So there is a lot to look forward to!

Sorry, if this blog is not my usual happy self, but I guess you have to know that sometimes, it is a struggle to live abroad and not be able to be close to those you love.

Thank you all for being such great friends and family.

I love you all,


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