Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring is Coming

Happy Spring!

Like many of you in the States, we are experiencing an early spring here in Älmhult.  We had some very nice, sunny days last week.  However, the beginning of this week looked a bit like winter again with gray, cloudy skies.  Monday morning, we experienced sleet, hail, rain, wind and sunshine within about 15 minutes.  Lucky for me, I was already at work, but I did see the poor people come in who looked a bit disarrayed from the variety of weather.

Relatively, it has been quiet here the last couple of weeks.  We are moving the week of April 2nd, so that is the next big thing coming up.  We have been buying some things for our new house.  So far, we bought a patio table, chairs and an umbrella so we can take advantage of any sunny days and we also bought a new bed for one of the extra bedrooms.  You really do not realize how much you need.  We had to buy hangars because when we leave here we have to leave all the hangars behind.  So far, I have bought about 80 hangars and probably have to buy abour 20 more.  No, I do not think we have many clothes here, since we left most in Houston, but hangarwise, it adds up, especially with all the coats included.

We are definitely looking forward to getting settled again.  We have felt very unsettled for the last couple of months due to the change in having to move.  We did talk about it and feel that it will be better for us because then the other house will be ours and not like we are borrowing someone's house for vacation. 

For David, his big thing starts today as he heads off to China for 10 days.  He is going to a trade show as well as visiting people's homes to see how they live.  It certainly will be an interesting trip.  I will let you know how interesting it is.

I am still working on my temporary contract.  I really am enjoying myself!  Last week and again next week, I will spend my time at the photo studio.  I will also keep you posted as to if my contract gets extended.

Overall, all is going well here in Sweden and I will give you updates and pictures on our new house as soon as we can get the key.  I will also try and get some pictures of spring coming.

Much love to you all,


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