Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring in Älmhult

Happy Sunday!

Yes spring has come to Älmhult.  We have had sunshine, clear skies and a lot of happiness. People have been washing their windows, cleaning up their yards and putting the clotheslines back out.

We finally changed our clocks last nights, so now we are back to the usually time differences.  It was nice being one hour closer for two weeks.  I "Spring Forward and Fall Back".  Well, in Sweden, they remember it by comparing it to "putting out your outdoor furniture and taking in your outdoor furniture".  An interesting perspective for sure.

Here are a few pictures I took yesterday on my walk, even Mr. & Mrs. Duck were out.  This is the path that we currently take to work on our bikes and we pass this little pond.

On my way I also took some pictures of our new neighborhood.  We are going to be in the flats that are in the distance on the hill.  Our flat faces the opposite direction.  The houses you barely see in the foreground on the second picture are private houses.  One of them is currently for sale for a little over 3 million Krona (which is about $450,000). 

You would be looking at the lower half of the flat. We would be on the top level where you see all the windows. The flat is long and skinny.

This is an overall view of the neighborhood. With the lower half of all the flats.  You enter our flat from a completely different street.

 I had a great time yesterday shopping in Växjö with some friends.  One from London, one from Germany and one from Jaimaica originally, but was living in Atlanta before she moved here.  I love the diversity and talking to everyone about their experiences here. I finally ate a McDonald's in Sweden.  It was okay, about the same as in the U.S., but the menu is different, of course.  The fries taste the same, but were salty as was the burger.  You do not get ice in your drinks here, which is still hard for me. I love ice in my drinks!

David is having a successful trip to China.  On Friday, he visited 6 homes.  If I can, I will show you how they live in Hong Kong, perhaps David will let me share his pictures.  David said it was very interesting and very sad.  Many people living in one small space.  I was surprised, he went shopping on Saturday and actually bought some items!  Good for him.

I think since spring is coming, we are starting to feel more comfortable in Sweden.  Yes, there is still the difficulties of finding food we want to eat. Unfortunately, I think our waistlines might be showing the poor choices, but with spring here, there will be much more walking and bike riding to burn off the extra calories and pounds.  I think everyone feels the same after winter ends.  You feel like you have gained lots of weight, when you really have not.

I am trying to gather more information on differences to share with you.  I think it is time to go and enjoy the rest of the day.

I will be in touch soon.

Love from Sweden


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