Saturday, March 31, 2012

Easter - The Swedish Way

Happy Easter to Everyone!

Palm Sunday is tomorrow which starts the beginning of Easter Week.  I decided that I should show you a bit about the Swedish Easter.  In the last few weeks, I have noticed these giant eggs with Easter scenes, lots of Easter candy and other types of Easter decorations coming out in the stores.  Yesterday, I was at Willy's (one of the 4 grocery stores in town) and noticed a proliferation of brightly colored feathers.  The feathers were in packages and also on the end of something that looks like twigs.  I have noticed though that many of the Easter decorations really revolve around chicks and not so many bunnies, like in the U.S.  I like the idea that the bunny lives in a giant mushroom. Swedes love mushrooms and it is a big deal to go the forest and look for fresh mushrooms.

The giant egg, which is pictured below, comes apart and is filled with candy and given to the children, much like the idea of our Easter basket, but on a smaller scale.   Yes, you can buy bigger eggs than the one I have here.

You can read more about the Swedish Easter here.  This article can explain much more than I can, since I have not yet experienced it.  In Sweden, I guess it is normal for the little girls to dress like witches and go house to house to get candy.  Here are a couple of pictures of the little girls dressed like witches.  I found one of the pictures within another article about Easter traditions from around the world.

Top Ten Things You Don't Know About Easter Sweden-Easter Witches, little girls essentially go trick or treating
dressed as witches for Easter

I have not noticed the supermarket loaded down with hams, lamb and such.  If I learn anything further this week, I will share it with you.  I do find it interesting to see the differences between the cultures for holdiays that we think are a traditional thing among all cultures.

I thought I would also share my table decoration with you:

Please read the articles above to also see about the bonfires other ideas that Sweden has about Easter.

Have a very Happy Easter and I will be back soon!


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