Hello My Dear Friends,
I apologize for the absence. I have been busy working and trying to catch up with the house situation.
First, we have found a new place to live! It seems as if it was the last place available in Älmhult. We signed the contract on Friday, so as of April 1st (really April 2nd), due to the 1st is on a Sunday, we can move into our new flat. The flat is located closer to IKEA of Sweden. How can you ask if anything in Älmhult could really be that far away from anything!
Let me explain how the process works. We found a listing for a flat the web site of a company that manages properties in Älmhult. First you must be registered on the site, which by chance we were from last year when we were looking. Then after a specific closing date, which was February 24th, we received an email with the contact information of the current renter, so we could make an appointment to see the flat. We went last Sunday and then had to make a decision by the 28th to indicate that we were interested. Well, depending on the level of interest the company then decides if you are the lucky one to get the flat. Well, we found out on Wednesday, that we were the lucky ones! So, we made another appointment to go view the flat again, to take measurements and such so we can buy furniture. The people who currently live there are very nice and we instantly connected. When we went this morning, they offered to sell us a dining table, two sofas and the blinds. We feel very blessed. As you all know we only came here with what we could carry, no furniture or anything else, mostly because we knew that we were renting a furnished house. Well, that changed very quickly!
We are now going to have to buy dishes, cookware, some furniture and all the little things that you do not think about. Today, we bought a new vaccum cleaner and a skillet. A trip to IKEA is in the works, my list is growing! At least when we get to our new flat, we will have a place to sit! We get the keys on April 2nd and will be out of our current house by Friday, the 6th!
The lady that currently lives in the flat that we are moving to works for a employment agency, so I can upload my resume and perhaps find a more secure job. However, I also like the freedom to work some and then have some time off. I want to be able to travel with my husband. For example, this week he is off to Milan and if we did not have the house problem and I was not working, I could go. Life is definitely a challenge at times, but it is overall very good. David is off to China on the 21st for 10 days. He has had to get shots and everything just to go, lucky guy!
We were busy earlier this week, because the owner of our current house was here so he could start the process of finalizing his sale. The owner was kind of amazed at how much we had done to the house and how clean it is. It made me kinda of feel good that perhaps he might feel a bit bad about making us leave, but I think it really is for the better. The poor cats had to spend too much time in their carrier and did not understand what is going on. We will all be happy when we can get settled again!
Now, here is the so long promised Marshmallows and Beer. No, the Swedish people do not eat marshmallow and beer together (that I know about). When I was at the store there was a package of large marshmallows and I just love the label - I like the idea that these are the size you use for barbequing or over campfires. The minature marshmallows are called Rocky Mountain and they are made in America! I know it probably is not as exciting to you as it is to me, but I did think it was interesting. Here are the labels:

Now about the beer. No, I do not have any pictures. Here is the story. Beer here in Sweden comes in many levels of alcohol content. At the grocery store you can buy beer that comes in levels of 3.5 to about 5 % alcohol content. You can buy the beers individually or in a package of 6-12. At the Systembolaget (the government run liquor store) you can buy beer up to levels of about 9%. When you go to the System (as it is called here) you see people buying one or two cans of several kinds at a time. Yesterday, was the first time when I was there I actually saw anyone buy a case of beer. I was not certain you could even do so. I find it interesting because you see people buying 10 - 12 cans of beer and they are all different. How do they decide what beer to buy and how many of each to buy? What about the alcohol content? I am used to the U.S. where the beer has much lower content, you could really get drunk just drinking one or two of these beers with the high content. I did see Coors at the liquor store and some of the Mexican Imports. However, the price is a bit higher since you are paying for the imports. David and I have only had a few beers here. We have to find a nice beer to have with my parents when they come in April.
I hope I did not promise too much about the marshmallows and beer it just had been on my list for a long time to tell you about.
I promise when I get moved I will take pictures of our new flat and share them here. In the meantime, I will be on the lookout for some more interesting things.
Take care and I will be in touch again soon.
Kram (hugs),