Thursday, August 25, 2011

Moving Day

I am a bit delayed in writing, things started happening awfully fast!  The movers showed up on Monday August 8th to start packing the house.  Before they came I had been working on putting similar items together so my stuff would end up somewhat organized when I go to unpack it in 3 – 5 years.  Well, so much for that thought – when I saw the remote to the stereo not in the box with the stereo, my dreams for organization melted.  The other thing that was so amazing was that they packed my house as if my furniture was getting put in a container and being sent overseas.  To the poor trees that were sacrificed for my furniture packing, I apologize.  They actually took apart much of my furniture and I have quite a bit of IKEA furniture and am not certain that I will ever be able to put it back together again.  No, I did not save all the assembly instructions, like my daughter does!  I am not sure what we will do when it comes to putting it together again.  However, my husband assures me that we can find the instructions online.

Anyhow, by Wednesday, August 10th at 2:00pm my house was packed and loaded in a truck!
I was visiting a  neighbor when my husband called and told me it was time to come home because they were finished!  It was the start of the first of many hotel nights!  The only problem was and this happened when we were also moving to Houston – a real estate agent showed up at the door wanting to show the house!  First of all, the instructions with the Central Showing Office were that the house was not to be shown the week of August 8th – 12th due to us moving.  However, at 4:00 pm, a real estate agent with his client is at the door starting to come in to see the house!  It was a bit of a surprise since we had not been notified that this was going to happen.  The agent was not happy when my husband told them the house was not available for showing!  Many phone calls later, no one would admit where the mistake came from, but we were not assured that we could rest easy the rest of the night.  We had left the kitties in one bedroom of the house and we did not want them getting out and roaming the whole house since we had cleaned it.  Luckily, no one came that evening.  We had a nice time in the Candlewood Suites watching the Rockies play the Nationals!
The next morning we took the kitties to the Vet for their last visit so they would be able to get their international passport to enter Sweden.  The visit went well, however, we were told there was one more step – the papers had to be Fed Exed to the USDA in Austin for final certification!  So that meant one more stop before we could hit the road!

Next it was back to the house to load the car with all the luggage and items going to Washington D.C. and Sweden.  My husband was not certain that it all would fit, he threatened that I may have to leave items at the curb.  Bad news was that they forgot to pack the stuff below my bathroom sink!  Luckily, I had sorted it previously so it was in containers, but we were not expecting it to go to D.C. with us!  Good news, nothing was left at the curb but the car was loaded to the max – trunk, backseat and car top carrier.
I could not tell if we looked like the Griswold’s from the Vacation movies or the unfortunate homeless people that have to live in their cars.  Luckily, it is back to school season, so we just looked like parents taking our child to college!  As we were filling the trunk with the luggage, I asked my husband if he remembered to check the air in the spare – oops, he did not!  Fingers crossed that we don’t have to unpack the trunk because we have to change the tire.
We finally left Houston on Thursday, the 11th at 2:00 pm!

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