Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi and Happy Thanksgiving to all of my family and friends.

I cannot believe another year has passed and again we are celebrating Thanksgiving in Sweden.  Actually, David is at work and I am at home.  On Saturday, we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving with some people from the US.  That should be a treat!  At least it will give us an excuse to get out of the house.

Nothing much has been going on lately.  My contract ended last Friday, so I have been at home this week, catching up on things I was not able to do since I was busy working.  A couple of weeks, I worked 56 hours!  I am glad to catch up on my rest and everything else.

At this point, I do not have another contract.  There is a headcount problem, so there are not any jobs available at this time.  This is a bit frustrating, because I really do not have anything to do unless I work.  Hopefully, something will happen on the work front soon.

I started teaching Conversational English two weeks ago, tonight will be my third class.  The class is going well.  I was surprised that I have two Swedish students, one gentleman from Lithuania and a young girl from Thailand.  I think it is quite amazing to be living in the middle of the Swedish forest and have the opportunity to meet so many people from different places.  What a bonus!  They all speak English, but at different levels.  I am having fun learning things from them and I believe they are having fun as well.

David has been really busy with work, luckily he has not had to travel too much lately. I am happy about that part!

We decorated our house for Christmas last weekend.  Decorating took about 15 minutes total.  We do not have too many decorations here, but we did find a couple of table top trees to decorate, so it looks kind of festive.

We do not have any snow, yet.  The last two weeks have been very foggy, damp and grey.

I think we are going to make plans to celebrate Christmas in Rome this year.  We really want to come home, but Christmas is not a good time.  Perhaps we will make a trip in the spring.

I hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving and I will write again soon.  I hope something exciting will happen soon, I would love to share happy news with you.

Much love,

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