Monday, January 23, 2012

Winter Wonderland

Happy Monday!

Winter finally came to Älmhult this weekend.  We had about 7 inches of snow.  This is the most snow we have had all winter.  Mostly we get just a bit to cover the grass for a few hours before it melts.

The snow came down on Saturday afternoon in big, fluffy flakes.  We had already ran out and did a couple of errands and then we were back home in time to watch from our big windows the snow falling gently down on the trees and grass.  We had a nice fire in the fireplace and watched a movie in the afternoon (Feed the Fish) and then we went out to shovel before dinner, we had 4 inches by about 5:00 pm and then we had dinner and watched another movie (The Joneses).  What a very nice day!

Yesterday, we got up and shoveled the rest of the snow and then took a walk into town.  Here are some pictures from yesterday some are in the morning before the sun came out, then some with the sun.  You will get a nice idea of the beauty.

Our Front Yard

Our Backyard looking into the forest

Our Backyard with the sun shining down

Our pine tree in the side yard

Just a cool tree in the neighborhood

Along the bike path we take into town

One of the main streets into town
As you can see, it is absolutely beautiful.  I think it is cool to see the trees with the ice and snow with the cloudy sky behind and the difference the sun makes on it.

Well, now I have to run (really bike) to my Swedish lesson.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and I am gathering more items to post to make you all smile. :)


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