Monday, January 23, 2012

Winter Wonderland

Happy Monday!

Winter finally came to Älmhult this weekend.  We had about 7 inches of snow.  This is the most snow we have had all winter.  Mostly we get just a bit to cover the grass for a few hours before it melts.

The snow came down on Saturday afternoon in big, fluffy flakes.  We had already ran out and did a couple of errands and then we were back home in time to watch from our big windows the snow falling gently down on the trees and grass.  We had a nice fire in the fireplace and watched a movie in the afternoon (Feed the Fish) and then we went out to shovel before dinner, we had 4 inches by about 5:00 pm and then we had dinner and watched another movie (The Joneses).  What a very nice day!

Yesterday, we got up and shoveled the rest of the snow and then took a walk into town.  Here are some pictures from yesterday some are in the morning before the sun came out, then some with the sun.  You will get a nice idea of the beauty.

Our Front Yard

Our Backyard looking into the forest

Our Backyard with the sun shining down

Our pine tree in the side yard

Just a cool tree in the neighborhood

Along the bike path we take into town

One of the main streets into town
As you can see, it is absolutely beautiful.  I think it is cool to see the trees with the ice and snow with the cloudy sky behind and the difference the sun makes on it.

Well, now I have to run (really bike) to my Swedish lesson.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and I am gathering more items to post to make you all smile. :)


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy New Year!


Yes, it has been awhile since I have written. I hope you all had a very nice Holiday Season.  We certainly did.

Before we left for vacation to the United States, we actually went to the movies at the theater in Almhult.  We saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie.  The cool thing was, we saw it on the day it premiered, which it completely amazing to think that in small town Almhult we can see a movie on premier day!  We had a great time and the movie theater is quite nice and very clean.  Here is a link to the theater so you can see what we have the opportunity to see -  Please note, on the right side of the movie description, it tell you how old you have to be to see the movie.  The Swedish system does not include the ratings like we do in the U.S., they just put an age on it.  Very interesting.  Yes, if you are wondering, the movies here are just expensive as they are in the States.

As of tomorrow (1/19) we will have been in Sweden for 5 months.  We are feeling settled and relatively at ease living here.  Yes, things at times, feel overwhelming, but we are doing okay.

I am still looking for a job, but am I am liking the break and I am keeping busy with other projects - some for myself and some special projects for David's manager.  Recently (the past 5 days) I made curtains and a tablecloth for a new special display area.  I am certainly using my sewing skills.  I will be working temporarily for another week, cleaning up the area that I worked in back in November. I really like the ability to work some and play some.

The weather this winter has been quite mild.  We have only had snow twice and it melted by the next day.  We have had a lot of gray, cloudy weather, but it has not been too cold or miserable.

I am looking forward to spring.  My parents and brother will be coming to visit and it will bring some more excitement and excursions.  Also, we are planning our summer trip to home.  This time to Colorado with a short stop in DC.  Stockholm is on the list for this summer as well.  We will go there for a week for our intensive Swedish lessons.

Next week, my Swedish lessons will pick up again. I am afraid that I have forgotten a lot since it has been more than a month since my last lesson.  Hopefully, David can catch up to me and we can practice together.

I am still collecting items to talk about, so I will write again soon.  Please let me know if you want to know about something in particular and I will do the research and pass it along to you. 

Talk to you soon,