Sunday, December 4, 2011

Taco Story


I know you are all are expecting some Christmas Market stories and updates, well those are coming later this week.  So I thought I would brighten your day with a taco story.  No, I have not burned any taco meat lately, just a funny/interesting story.

So, a few weeks back when I was working at IKEA my friend, Hanna, asked what we had for dinner the night before.  Not thinking anything about it, I replied, "We had tacos."  Then she asked, What did you have on your tacos?"  I was thinking to myslef, this is a strange question.  I dutifully answered, "We had cheese, lettuce and tomatoes.  David did not want any chopped onions, but sometimes we have onions."  Hanna looked at my strangely and I wondered why.  She explained to me that they (her and everyone she knows) eat tacos with red onions and cucumber.  I then looked at her strangely.  I had never heard of eating cucumbers on my tacos!  A couple of weeks later, I was telling my Swedish teacher this story and how strange I thought it was.  She then proceeded to tell me that the kids in Sweden think that tacos are a Swedish thing, not from Mexico or Latin America.  I understand this comes from their parents cooking tacos for them on Friday nights because it is easy.  No one has ever told them where tacos originated.

David and I have been laughing about this story a lot, one, because we think that having cucumbers on your tacos is a bit different and two, because the Swedes eat cucumbers on everything!  Yesterday, I was at the story buying some frozen corn and I came upon this package:

Yes, it says that it is perfect for tacos!  I am perfectly sure that corn on tacos and cucumbers is really good, but it is just funny thinking about going to Taco Bell and getting a taco with cucumber and corn!  See, it things are quite the same, but different in other parts of the world!  When we moved here and I first went to the grocery store, I was quite impressed with their Tex/Mex selection and quite surprised that they had taco shells, flour tortillas and tortilla chips.  I thought for sure that we were entering a worldly society, but little did I know that many think Tex/Mex is Swedish!

This is probably not as funny to you - but I hope that you find it at least interesting.

I promise, the Christmas Market stuff is coming in the next couple of days!


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