Thursday, June 13, 2013

Goodbye to Sweden

Hello My Friends,

I know it has been several months since I have written.  Well, quite a bit has happened in the last few months.

In February I went to Austin, Texas for 12 days.  I had a great time visiting with my niece and her family.  I spent a lot of time just enjoying the US and the sun!!!

At the end of March, we travelled back to Washington DC to see Allison and her family and then we headed to Las Vegas for some more sun time and drag racing.  We had an awesome time again just enjoying all the choices we have in the United States.

Two weeks ago, we went to Paris.  We had never been and had the opportunity to meet up with our good friends from Boston.  I have to tell you, the Eiffel Tower is pretty awesome along with the other historical sites.

Two weeks from tomorrow (June 28th), we are leaving Sweden.  David had worked it out to finish his contract in Houston, because we just were not happy here.  They agreed and we were on track to do that, but then another opportunity has come along.  We will be heading back to our "Sweet Home, Chicago"!  David was given an offer too good to pass up and it means going back to where we feel our "real" home is.  We have spent the majority of our married life there, our children graduated from high school there and the chance to do many activities is so abundant.  We have not had choices for a long time, so hopefully, we will not feel overwhelmed.  I am looking forward to buying a house and staying there for a very long time. 

Sweden has been a learning experience and we are able to put things we learned into life lessons and can use this experience in the future, so that aspect has been very good for us.  We are grateful that we had the chance to try living in another country and seeing what it is like to be an ex-pat.  We are very proud at this point to be Americans!!!

I have enjoyed updating you on our time here in Sweden, but I am so delighted to be going home.  Thank you for listening to me during the hard times and for being interested in our experience.   I appreciate your friendship.

My dear friends have my private email and that will not change, so you can still contact me via email, it works no matter where I live.

Take care and thanks again for all of your support.

Much love,