Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Something Fun!


I have been without Internet for over two weeks now, but I am borrowing another signal, just so I can make you all smile.

I am sure you all remember the theme song to Green Acres the television show from the 1960s.  If not here is a link to the song.  So I took this theme song and made my song using things from Älmhult and Sweden.  I hope you will think it is cute for something different.  We have been in Sweden for just over one year now and we are both homesick.  Here are the lyrics to my song Älmhult:

David starts:
Älmhult is the place for me
IKEA livin' is the life for me
Forest and mushroom pickin' so far and wide
Keep Chicago, just give me that countryside

Bridgette responds:
USA is where I'd rather stay
I get allergic to smelling pine
I just adore the penthouse view
Dah-ling I love you, but give me Michigan Avenue

David: The FIKA
Bridgette: Target
David: Fresh Air
Bridgette: Gino's East

David: You are my wife
Bridgette: Good bye city life

David and Bridgette: Älmhult we are here!

Yes, we would rather be in the States.

Have a great day and I will write with a better update as soon as I get my Internet back.

Love you all,