Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chilvary is Not Dead!

Dear Friends,

Sorry it has been awhile since I have written. I made a quick trip home to help Allison with her new baby boy, Tristan.  He is a real cutie!  I then returned to Sweden and worked for a week before heading off to London for a long weekend.

We will be heading back to the States in two weeks.  We will spend a week in Colorado, hopefully the wildfires will be contained by then.  In Colorado we are planning on going to a Rockies Baseball game with my parents and then find some awesome Mexican food for dinner.  Then we will head up to Vail to see Niq and return to Denver on Friday.  Saturday it is a day at the NHRA races, so looking forward to that.  It has been 29 years since I have been to Bandimere Speedway.  What a great location for the races!

Anyhow, back to the topic - Chilvary is Not Dead!  I have observed living in Sweden that there is a lack of manners and respect of your fellow man.  Many Swedish people are nice, but if you observe long enough, there are not really any manners.  When I was in London, it made it more evident that there is a lack of manners in Sweden.  I actually saw people get up on the Tube and offer their seat to the elderly.  People held doors and were polite to others.  This is something that is hard to explain unless you experience it.  Yes, in the States, you do have some manners that can be appalling, but when it is more like 80% of the poplulation that only thinks of themselves it is very apparent.  Some of this comes from living in a society where no one is more important than anyone else.  Being in London was a breath of fresh air, not only for the manners, but the action and busyness of the city.  One does not realize how quiet their world is, until they head off to where there is action.  Am I happy to be back in the land of the quiet and the forest trolls? Not really, but until we leave in two years, this is where I will be.  However, it does make you appreciate the times you can go to the big cities and explore.

We are going to Stockholm the beginning of August for our Intensive Swedish Lessons.  I am certain that I will have a lot more to talk about after that.

Have a very nice summer and I will write again soon.
