Sunday, April 15, 2012

Photos of New House


We are now settled in our new home.  We finished moving our stuff on Friday, April 6th at 5:00pm.  Just as it was starting to rain.  As it was, we had to ride our bikes to our new home in the rain, but it was a good feeling to be finished with the other house and to look forward to this house.  We have been here for a little over a week now and I cannot tell you how much happier we are.  I am not sure what it was about the other house, but physically and mentally we are doing much better, as are the cats.  Again, it feels like a load has been lifted from our shoulders.  We actually had the time and energy yesterday after dinner to go for a walk!

Here are the pictures of our new house.

This is the kitchen:

This is the living room, so much sunshine and openness:

This is the master bedroom, this room is twice the size of our bedroom at the other house:

This is the bathroom and laundry room combined:

The guest room, there is room for us to have visitors, all are welcome:

This is the last room, we have an extra room, so we are using for the cats and a charging area for our electronic devices, as well as extra storage:

As it gets warmer and we get the patio furniture put together I will take photos outside and share with you as well.

Otherwise, all is well with us.  David is busy getting his products ready for approval and I am finishing up with the photo shoot that I have been working on.  We are looking forward to summer and coming home in July.  We are also planning to spend a week in Stockholm this summer for our intensive Swedish lessons.  So, no worries, I have much more to report on.

Much love,
